Sunday, February 8, 2009

Whatte Idea!!!

This is in light of the recent events in the state about what's been going on in pubs and the reaction various sections of the society have been giving. Safeguarding the indian culture seems to be the ultimate goal of the day, and nothing shall come in the way. Be it NCW chairpersons, the police departement or just ordinary citizens like you and me. And why should it? After all, aren't we indians? The radical groups speaheading the "Clean Indians, Clean India" [:P] movement are of the opinion that girls of this country shouldnt party, drink, dance as its a sign of westernization.And to ensure they are taken up seriously, they shall leave no person unbeaten...(oops my bad)..i mean no stone unturned, even if it involves beating up the same people they claim to be safeguarding. And all this is in the best interest of indian culture.

This coming valentine's day, one of these radical groups have come up with a very unique idea of marrying off couples seen in the city. The group believes that two people who love each other should be united in wedlock, if their love is true. Else its not love, its something from another culture. Don't worry thats not the only option people have been given. You could also opt for rakhi.( Become siblings instead!! [;)] ) And for all those of you who are wondering what happened to friendship between a boy and a girl?..sorry folks, apparently thats not part of indian culture. Yup thats what this group thinks.

I think its a great idea for bachelors and spinsters. All they have to do is go out on valentine's day, celebrate it with someone they like, and there you have it, your married. Congratulations. Don't worry, your marriage is legal. You would be taken to a marriage registrar and your marriages would be legalised.Plenty of witnesses too. Absolutely free of cost. Even kumkum would be provided.I think this idea also suits people who want to marry, but are either too afraid to tell their parents, dont want to elope, or are too bored to search for a suitable candidate.

My personal opinion--- Such acts may not be westernization..Its more like talibanisation or just plain hooliganism. Either ways, this isn't the culture of my country.

Wake up and Enlighten..